Certified in: Integrative and Functional Nutrition -Experienced Registered Dietitians in Farmington, Connecticut
Virtual Visits Available
Yes, we take insurance!

We’re sorry, CT Husky does not currently cover nutrition.
Please check your benefits package with your insurance provider.
We are not just nutritionists.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are required to have significant training.
When making an appointment for medical nutrition therapy, make sure the professional you have chosen is a registered dietitian, not simply a nutritionist.
Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, but RDs and RDNs must complete 1500 hours of supervised practice and then pass a national exam to become registered.
Registered dietitians are trained to address medical conditions such as CVD, diabetes, weight loss, as well as behavioral issues such as emotional eating, using evidence-based information.
RDs and CDE's are also required to regularly complete continued education to maintain their credentials and keep abreast of new research.
How nutrition consults work and what to expect!
In preparation your first visit, please have a list of:
current medications, vitamins, supplements, etc.
current medical conditions/ issues
a food diary from at least two days
lab work values, specifically abnormal lab values
You are going to guide the goals of your treatment.
Expect your first full session to take between 60 and 90 minutes.
During this time we will address your goals as they are essential in leading your course of treatment. You will be asked what types of foods you like to eat, how often you eat and what specific concerns you or your doctor have about your current diet plan. You can expect to receive individualized dietary advice and a plan based on your personal needs. Ongoing support is always available!
Please understand that when you come to your visit the RDN isn’t going to try to change everything you are doing now. The goal is to work with you to find a healthier way of eating that works within your lifestyle and food preferences. This will likely be a gradual process.

“Honestly, after my first session I felt so clear and motivated. Working with an RD and science backed guidelines…truly makes a difference.” ~Elizabeth R
Follow-up is critical to your success!
These appointments are an opportunity to ask questions, prepare for challenging situations, learn about new tools, resources, or products, and also to help you feel supported.
A one-time visit can’t possibly offer everything you need to succeed. Time wise, follow-up visits typically last 30 minutes. At these visits we will review progress on your goals, make sure the strategy we have set is working for you, and make adjustments to your plan as needed.
It is important to understand that some needs, such as weight loss, should be addressed over multiple visits for the best results. Research has shown the more visits with your Dietitian, the more likely you will be successful in attaining long-term and sustainable weight loss.
The first set of recommendations is just a starting point and we cannot possibly address all the issues in one session. Receiving nutritional counseling is not something you just do once, get a bunch of ideas, and then are done. It’s a gradual process to change habits with accountability and with the support you need.